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3 Reasons Your Child Needs Summer Tutoring

Nancy Thorup

“Summer tutoring? What I really need is a vacation!” You may be celebrating that you and your child made it through the year. And we completely agree!

Summer is a time for vacations, fun, play, and exploration.  But for many kids, summer is also a time for their brains to get “rusty.”  Don’t let that hard work go to waste! Summer tutoring can help keep your child’s brain working without burning them out.

Young kids may benefit from going back and filling in the gaps in reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and  math.  Tutoring centers can provide fun, academic enrichment activities with a quality tutor.  

Older kids can use the summer break to make up some credits, study up on next year’s math or foreign language class, or really learn how to write an essay.  Many older kids also need to do assigned summer reading.  

Here are 3 of the top reasons to consider a summer tutoring program for your child:

Transitioning from grade to grade. Moving up to the next grade can be a challenge for kids.  It is so exciting to get a new teacher and new classmates, but the curriculum can take a jump up; summer tutoring can help your child enter school in the fall with confidence.

Catching up and keeping up on skills. Maybe your older student failed a class last year, (heaven forbid!) or they want to take some original credit over the summer to avoid a nasty chemistry class in the fall.  Tutoring can help your student with either option. Summer tutoring is also helpful to reinforce the skills learned throughout the school year.

Mastering those hard-earned skills. Filling in the gaps or enrichment with reading, writing, grammar, math, and spelling are great reasons to have your child attend summer tutoring.   It only takes an hour or two per week to see great gains in the fall.  

Summer tutoring will give you peace of mind and your child will keep their mind going!  Still vacation, relax, and enjoy the free time you have with your kids.  Just consider tutoring as part of the mix.  At a bare minimum, start tutoring 2 weeks before school starts.  This will make sure your child is confident, ready, and excited about heading to the next grade in the fall!


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