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Accommodations in the Classroom: Those with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

Nancy Thorup

Nonverbal learning disabilities, usually shortened to NVLD, are a common concern among teachers, parents, and students. Some caregivers have a hard time figuring out how to adjust and accommodate individuals who live with these disabilities. 

A few ways that caregivers can accommodate students with NVLD include:

  1. Make a laminated card with the student’s schedule and classroom rules, so the student always has a reminder with him or her.

  2. Give a brief review of the prior lesson before introducing a new one, so students know how the lessons relate. 

  3. Speak slowly and clearly when giving instructions.

  4. Make sure all students have a chance to ask questions.

  5. Take large projects and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps, so the project does not look as intimidating.

  6. Try not to deviate from original lesson plans or class rules to avoid confusing students with NVLD.

  7. Avoid using idioms, turns of phrases, or figures of speech, as these are often difficult for those with NVLD to understand. 

It can be difficult for caregivers and other students to adapt to a classroom that has students with NVLD; however, this is critically important for giving all students an equal opportunity to learn. By clearly explaining the rules of the classroom and clarifying why these changes are necessary, it is possible to get all students and parents on board with this arrangement.

Learn more about how to make accommodations for students with NVLD by reading this helpful article on


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