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Getting Ready To Read With Dyslexia : Tips for Reading to Your Child

Nancy Thorup

If you have dyslexia, you understand what type of challenges this condition can create. You might be nervous to read to your child because you are afraid you are going to make a mistake. At the same time, you probably do not want your own insecurities to rub off on your children. This is normal and you only want what is best for your child. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can tackle these insecurities and get ready to read to your child. Some tips you should keep in mind include:

  1. Ask your child to pick out a book for tomorrow evening so you can get ready to read it beforehand.

  2. Read the book in advance to make sure you are comfortable with it.

  3. If you are having trouble reading a certain word, use your phone to help you interpret it with a text-to-speech feature.

  4. Take a deep breath and remember that it is okay to make a mistake. This will help you get in the right mental frame of mind.

  5. Remember to have fun. You are doing this to bond with your child. It’s not about the book or the words on the page. It is about the experience you have together.

Learn more about getting ready to read as a dyslexic parent with this article from!

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