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Parent Workshop – January 25

Nancy Thorup

You are invited to attend our upcoming workshop next Friday, January 25.

This workshop is designed to help parents like yourself to understand more about Proficiency Based Grading and how it will affect your child.

Proficiency Based Grading has been piloted in our classrooms and is quickly becoming the accepted norm in our schools here in Utah. “Though the State of Utah prescribes academic standards in which students are expected to become proficient (and assesses that learning via end-of year tests), districts do not typically report to students and parents on that learning. Grades, particularly at the secondary level, are rooted in task completion, classroom compliance, penalties related to deadlines, and extra credit options.

The incongruence between student grades assigned at the classroom level and related state assessment scores in those class subjects has also become increasingly apparent. (For example, a student scores 3, proficient, in math but earns an F grade in class or scores a 1, not proficient, in science but earns an A in class.)” (source:

Workshop specifics:

Friday, January 25th     10:30 am – 12:00 pm At Thorup Tutoring A light brunch will be served Registration must be completed to reserve your seat


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