Our Rates
Prices effective as of September 1, 2023. Subject to change without notice.
Academic Coaching/ Tutoring
Initial Evaluation
Personal Visit
With Nancy Williams
Group Rate
More Info Below
School Visit
504 & IEP Meetings
$100 Minimum
All services are available via online video or in-person, as the government regulations and individual schools allow. Virtual and in-person services are charged at the same price.
Our services include:
One Time- Initial Evaluation Fee (optional):
An optional meeting with Nancy Williams may be scheduled, one-on-one, for 90 minutes. She will make your child feel comfortable and show them how much fun tutoring can be. She is great with kids of all ages! Depending on the age of your child, Nancy will assess skills such as organization, reading, writing, spelling, math, and executive functioning skills. You will receive a detailed report after this evaluation.
School Visit
A trained professional will attend a meeting (504, IEP, other) with you and the school team. We can provide new perspectives and support, and we can help advocate for you and your child.
Personal Visit - with Nancy Williams
These visits are reserved on a case-by-case basis.
Group Sessions
Group Tutoring Sessions: $50.00 per visit – Most students visit once or twice weekly
Group Tutoring is ONLY available if a child is studying the same subject with the same teacher (example: Pre-calculus).
We offer extremely low rates for group tutoring. Because of these low rates, the following must apply: If one of the two children in the group is unable to make the tutoring session, and they have cancelled well enough in advance, the other child will be charged the full tutoring rate. If your student has to cancel, he/she will be required to make up the visit one-on-one with the tutor at the full rate of $70.00 per hour.
Cancellations: Please note that after you choose days/times we will be setting aside time specifically for your child.
We will gladly provide make-ups for the following reasons only: Illness, vacations, and other reasons out of your control (baseball game, doctor’s appointment, etc). If your child must miss tutoring due to a scheduled event such as those listed above, please notify your tutor at the earliest point but no later than 24 hours in advance. This will allow your tutor to reschedule your visit as a make-up. All make-ups must be made within the next month of billing unless otherwise arranged with your tutor.
Tuition payments/ Late Fees:
Tuition for the month in advance is due upon receipt of your invoice, but no later than the 15th. After the 15th of the month a $30.00 late fee will be added to your tuition (please pay on time).
No credits will be issued:
In the event of a legal holiday your monthly bill will be adjusted; otherwise no credits will be given. Clients will be charged full rate for all no-shows and late cancellations (without 24 hour notice), and those visits will not be subject to a make-up.
In the event you decide to discontinue tutoring services, the service will be cancelled effective the last day of the month. In other words, have your child finish out the month because no refunds will be issued.
Our Facility